Sorry i haven't messaged in a while, i have written material but i have been waiting for God to confirm to me a message to share. I hope you all had a Beautiful Christmas and a Wonderful New Years. This Year and everyday is a most perfect moment to Prepare for the Return of Jesus Christ.
This is a message, I felt very called to do. In a personal context is a very personal message to me. I hope and pray it does bless and touch someone and help them cope with this behaviour.
I shall talk about my own experience with this. In my life growing up as a teenager with sexual urges as most teenage boys do have. In my teenage years, I had no girlfriend or any kind of “relations” with any girls. As I grew to about 15-16, I got to a point after resisting and refraining from I began to masturbate. Initially this did not include pornographic material. Surely as I “invested” in this behaviour, it grew and eventually pornographic material did become a part of it. Before I was aware, it had become part the things I did. Though I was never content with this behaviour but I was taught it was the “norm” and I tried to reassure myself this was fine.
As things further progressed, I noticed how I viewed woman had shifted from how I originally was. My original thoughts and views, were that Woman were to be respected, valued and to be revered to some extent. After I had invested in this and began watching pornographic material. My view on women had shifted. I now had a view that it was okay to objectively look at women. During this period of my life, to no surprise I formed no respectable and positive friendships with women around me. My behaviour towards my mum had changed and overall in my unconscious mind I had to some extent devalued women.
This is one of the first issues I encountered in this behaviour. I have seen this and talked to others about this. They have also confirmed that pornographic material has led to this kind of behaviour. Not to mention the fact that when we do watch such things, we are inviting sinful behaviour into our hearts.
The second issue I encountered which is probably more common and not socially talked about at all. That is addiction. Fact of the matter is, masturbating as a practise will result is an attachment to yourself, which can and very likely will result in addiction to sexual gratification.
Masturbating is a lustful behaviour. We are taught by the Word of God that lust is a sinful behaviour. ( Job 31:11-12, Matthew 5:28 and Exodus 20:14, 17 ). You are inviting a sinful nature into your heart. Job 31:11-12 says:
11 For lust is a shameful sin, a crime that should be punished.12 It is a fire that burns all the way to hell. It would wipe out everything I own.
Let’s look at the definition of lust to clarify that it is a lustful behaviour, The Bible doesn’t talk about masturbation but it does talk about lust. When you masturbate I’m sure most of you feel shame, If you are born-again in Jesus Christ, Then the Holy Spirit lives in you and is a constant guidance to you, should you listen to Him.
The dictionary says :
· lecherousness: a strong sexual desire
· crave: have a craving, appetite, or great desire for
· self-indulgent sexual desire
Can we agree masturbation is a selfish, self indulgent behaviour ? I believe we can.
Can we agree that masturbation is a craving ( an intense desire ) ? I believe we can.
So we can equate that masturbation is both a selfish act and involves a strong sexual desire. Where does that leave us Christians. For one of the fruits of the Spirit, is Self-Control.
As a man or woman we NEED to exercise self-control, God has blessed us and given us self-control but it is up to us to exercise and practise this self-control.
- We have the tools but we have to choose to use them –
Pornography is sinful material. It is sinful to engage and entertain such material. Why is it sinful ? Let’s look at Matthew 5:28.
“But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
Can we agree that when you look at pornographic material you are looking lustfully upon a women or man ? I believe we can.
Can we then also agree that then that this behavior is committing adultery? I believe we can.
Can we then conclude that masturbation and indulging in pornographic material is a sin ? I believe we can.
Jesus Christ said it is adultery to look upon women with lustful eyes. These are the Words of God. To be uncompromised. Adultery is a sin as outlined in the 10 commandments.
Exodus 20:14: “You must not commit adultery”
Exodus 20:17 : “You must not covet your neighbor’s house. You must not covet your neighbor’s wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey, or anything else that belongs to your neighbor.”
This is the reality of things. Masturbation can develop into an addiction, we are taught not to entertain desires of our flesh. Sex was invented by God. There is a time and place for Sex and that is within the sanctification of marriage.
We all face desires, that we must walk away from.
Remember 1 : Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
God is faithful to you, He will not lead you into impossible temptation. He WILL ALWAYS provide a way out. No Temptation is To much to bear.
Next time your in a tempting situation, Remember God who lives in you through the Holy Spirit. Is also in that situation. Submit yourself onto God and to The Holy Spirit. Let The Holy Spirit guide you out that situation.
We all fall to sin, but we must submit ourselves to God and accept Jesus Christ into our lives. That we may Follow The Holy Spirit, So that our sinful bodies and hearts, may be transformed.
If you are reading this and are struggling with this kind of addiction, or have been being masturbating or looking at pornographic material. I say to you, Submit yourself before your master and servant Jesus Christ, Repent for your sins. Submit yourself again to Jesus Christ Lay all your worries at His Cross. Lay Your Sins There.
God is always with us. The Holy Spirit is ALWAYS with us.
I shall conclude my story. After I got saved ( in august ) the entirety of my life had changed. My views, values, Everything that I once called me, had changed. I became to be transformed. Masturbation something that has been a on and off behavior with me. Thanks be to God, I Had a understanding on why this was such a negative action. I submitted myself, my actions, my desires, my heart, my life to Jesus Christ Our Savior. He saved me from my sin. He saved me from my negative nature. It is a battle that is on-going. I Thank God because in the last 2 years, when I began my journey towards Jesus Christ. I now respect Women as they ultimately should be. I have many friendships and fellowships with Women who I am so Thankful For. I no longer have a lustful eye Praise be to God. Lust no longer controls my life. When the Devil tries to pull you down, Remember God is there not only to allow you to sustain the Evil Ones temptations but To RAISE You Above Them.
I say this confidently to you – You being Subject to God’s Will, Will be more powerful that you perceive yourself to be. Mighty is Jesus Christ’s Name. Mighty is The Holy Spirit That dwells in You. Salvation from All Sin is Yours !!
I shall finish on a passage From Romans.
Romans 8:5-8
5 Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. 6 So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. 7 For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. 8 That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God.
Please read the entire Romans 8 passage it is wonderful and inspiring.
I Hope This Helps someone. God is Your Strength.
Thank You for Reading and May God Truly Bless you.
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