About Me

So I thought i'd post to update you guys on my life mostly, i'll be purposely leaving some aspects to do with my walk of Faith out, but I thought it may be encouraging to share what God has been doing in my life and I truly hope that it encourages any who reads this, who may be going through a similar circumstance.

Okay so in the last few months, have probably been the most challenging months for me spiritually, Last year around september, God told me to leave university, this was by a inner-knowing and impression left on me, which would always be brought to light everytime i prayer earnesstly about submitting myself to God's Will, I refused. In all honesty while i did enjoy university, friends, opportunities that were there for me, it was mostly because I didn't want to let my parents down, Knowing that my parents had helped me greatly in getting to university and it had always been a dream of my dads for me ( him not having the opportunity ).

Shortly after my passion for the things that i held up as goals in my life, and my passion for my craft ( which is music production and recording ) suddenly died. It was a painful thing for me, because I at the time PASSIONATELY loved music, I would say undoubtedly it was a Idol in my life which I was not willing to surrender to God. Now I am so thankful God helped me realise that, but at the time I was very distorted not knowing where to go. So I did what I usually do when i'm having an internal strife, pretend everything is as usually while behind closed doors I desprately try to find a resolution.

During this period of honouring my commitments to record and work with certain musicians and artists, even though i had no passion and drive for it. If anyone reading this has ever worked in music you'd sympthasise with how important having a passion behind music is especially when your working long recording and production session. Anyway during this time God really highlighted to me, how much in music things that aren't meant to be Glorified are Glorified. At this time i knew by words that God alone was to be Glorified but I didn't know it as Truth or by Spirit. So I was almost oblivious to it entirely, and God removed the veil from my eyes and showed me what they were Glorifying and what the effects of that were.

I can remember it vividly the day my heart broke and I repented surrendering it all to God and turning away from working to help create those Idol that work against the Kingdom of God. I was on a bus and while on the bus there was a small group of girls and one of there phones when off and it was "Rhianna - Rudeboy", My heart broke prior to this reading the lyrics to that song, the girl was no older than 14 ( I'd say in my opinion ). In that instance it was brought to light what opportunity to children growing up now have to avoid this kind of music and listen to something else, where or who is providing opportunities for these children and teenages growing up now to hear a different set of values, with a real opportunity to grow up Glorifying God.
I was so grateful to God for bringing that to light, the next challenge was telling my best friend and business partner, that I was leaving the secular record label I worked for me, He took this surprisingly well. He actually originally always wanted to do a Christian Record Label but one that operated in the heart of the secular industry, bringing change to the industry throughout with God's Good Message. I was shocked, so Thankful to God. He truly orchestrates things wonderfully, so we are now working together on that.

I cannot express how thankful i am for the next part and how it perfectly took place within God's timing and how God was even compassionate to me in my cowardiceness ( if thats a word ), The next challenge for me was to tell my parents that was I was leaving university, God had Called me to be something ( which I won't be able to share ), but I had no plan, I had no idea how, I was really clueless as to how it was going to work out, but after about 2-3 weeks of hiding, I heard a powerful message from Carl Lentz ( Hillsong NY Pastor ) about not running from God's Calling while at a summer retreat, I was so thankful for the message and so deeply convicted because my one expectation of camp was a plead to God that He would speak to me about my situation. Undeniably He did that for me, of which i Thank and Praise Him for, I repented from running from Him and His Calling for me, with what tiny courage I had I set my heart on following whereever God Called and wanted me to be, so I went home and told my parents. I had no plan and no idea, Nothing to say expect Trust God with my future. My dad who is a non-believer took this harder. I later found out that my brother had dropped out of university also a week before me. God's plans always work to a point of perfect, I think this really tested the ground of my dads lack of faith in God. My mum was not surprised she felt that I would be Called but she hoped it would of been after university. Prior to this I told my parents but only half of the story because of fear.

Inbetween that period, my aunts my uncles everyone who they could get was advising me not to pursue this, people insisted "God will wait for you to finish university" but I knew the safest place for me was where God Called me. A question was set on my heart and spirit a while ago, that was -

"Do you want to succeed God's Will for your life ?"

That question has helped me submit to God's Will and further seek Him in all things that He may be Glorified.

A few days after camp, after telling my parents, I get a phone call from my business partner about a potential investment, so we thought we better prepare a business plan, so we did, he wanted to set up a meeting on Tuesday, we had just over 48 hours to finish it, Some background to really shine a light on what God did for us. I have no business experience, i ran a small business when I was 16 and that was I'm pretty sure Illegal because I didn't know nor did I seek the proper routes to do so. My business partner also has no experience. We both have never wrote a business plan from scratch. We have no business studies experience of any kind.

We prayed about it, and began writing Trusting God. We finished the business plan, a friend of ours ( an amazing english student ), checked the grammar and made edits. We then sent it off and to our amazement, He said he was thoroughly impressed, surprised that, that standard would come from people our age. Also the name of our business, was also the name of his first motorcycle. He instantly fell in love with our business. He agreed to give us the investment and help and aid in any way possible.
Praise God, I don't know how else two people who have no business experience could write a very advance piece of business material in a short amount of time, to an excellent standard and acquire an investment that is of to the value of around half a million pound. God Carried us so mightly by His Hand.

So I am now preparing to go into business, if you are reading this, please join us in prayer that as the business moves forward we may continue Glorifying God and may have great success in the way God intends.
Thank You for reading I hope if anything this can encourage you to seek and trust God. In Him is our safest Refuge, all else is false hope. So cling to the God who Saves and Loves You.
May God Truly Bless You!,
