I felt a nudge in me, to talk about Loneliness, It’s something that has affected me in the past also many of my friends and family.
Loneliness is a big issue in our culture, it is something that affects people from all walks of life, Rich and poor alike. Loneliness is described as “the state of being alone in solitary isolation”.
As rightly said it is a state. State in the sense of the condition or mentality of someone at a particular time.
Loneliness is something, no-one would want to feel. It pulls a dark cloud over your eyes and makes your perceptions slightly darkened.
Why are so many people lonely now days ? We are now more than ever an extremely lonely generation. We are more connected than ever, you can talk to people at all times of the day, in all parts of the world. We have so many means to communicate. It’s almost a paradox that so many feel so isolated. The fact of the matter is, people perceive themselves to be lonely because of a lack of happiness. When we don’t have happiness or more rightfully said justified love in our lives, We are not made secure, and those insecurities can and do manifest into causing us to isolate ourselves. That security comes with being in a relationship with God.
In short loneliness is often a subconscious choice we make. If Love is all around us how can we ever be lonely, After all God is Omnipotent. Sadly many people ( including my self at times ) have chosen not to acknowledge God in their lives. Leading to great distress and calamity. We NEED God in our Lives, We NEED that relationship in our lives. It is the cure-all to all of our problems. Whether it be spiritual or physical or mental. He is Our Everything. The Bible Speaks about this with Adam.
Adam was completely satisfied in his relationship with God, It was God who decided He would place a women in his life born of his flesh.
“18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” Genesis 2:18
We are not creatures who are meant to be alone. God made this clear to us. Adam was “Alone” because he was the only one of his kind But he was NOT Lonely simply because he was not isolated in anyway, this is because he knew God, he had a relationship with God and This Fulfilled him in everyway.
This is known as Singleness. Adam was so satisfied serving God and being in Relationship with God, he saw no NEED for a companion or mate. Adam was completely self-fulfilled before Eve entered the world. It was not Adam’s idea to have a human companion, But rather God’s decision. There is a Blessing in being alone, That Blessing is that all our focus and be put onto God and His Will in our Lives.
This is not to say that our worldly relationships are not important but Rather to say they are there support us and us to support others, as we grow in relationship with God. The Only relationship that will complete us, is our relationship with God. You see countless people who look to fulfil themselves with a partner, This simply does not work. How can you give yourself to someone, when you, yourself are incomplete. It is both unfair to yourself and to that other person. The relationship is always on edge because your insecurities will be projected into that relationship in hopes to repair those insecurities.
I would like to remind you of John 16:33 where Jesus Says :
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Peace in Jesus Christ, Peace in Our Relationship with Jesus Christ. Peace meaning free from insecurity, free from fear, free from worries, troubles. We are Secured in Jesus and made free.
Fighting Loneliness is a battle. It is a battle of your will to change your perception and shift your focus back onto God. On our walk with Jesus Christ, we will sadly stumble and our vision may peer from side to side but in Jesus Christ’s name is our salvation. There is no other relationship that is greater, That should take our vision away from Him. Loneliness is a spiritual infliction. I mean this in the sense, that if you feel Lonely it will breed many other spiritual diseases that we are subject to, such as Jealousy, anger, self pity, resentment, hate and so on.
We must break this because it is a downward spiral IF we permit it. In Jesus Christ’s name we are Saved. In His Name we are made New. This means that such inflictions and troubles need not worry us, Because we are secured in His Name. In Relationship with Jesus Christ your Loneliness will die. Once your view is back on God and your Relationship with Jesus Christ. You will realise you are not alone and never have been alone.
We often perceive ourselves as being alone, Our perceptions are so misguided. We are never alone. As Love is all around us, so is Our Heavenly Father. We just need to open our eyes and focus towards Him.
I hope this has helped somewhat. As always feel free to comment.
May God Bless You.
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