Monday, 25 April 2011

My heart lately

I’ve found myself in more and more need of God, I’ve been struggling with so many aspects of my life, primarily relationships and all this has brought I more and more into a state of need. It’s a Blessing to be in a position of need before God even though often it hasn’t felt like it but God is faithful and in that I hold onto.

I’ve found myself speaking less and less and doing less and less and ultimately I believe it’s been because I’ve been praying less and less. I have pleaded to God for forgiveness and He has faithfully forgiven me, as He promises so. There is no shortage of need around me, not just in myself but in my family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ and the world around me.

In addition to my unfaithful actions, God has been amazingly Faithful, my family bible study seems to be multiplying which isn’t something I was prepared for or considered since it was a family bible study, but of last week we have another family over and who joined us and partook in our study and we shared and fellowshipped together, tonight another family joins us.

In all honestly, I have no words to say about it but to Thank God. I am in awe with the fact I can’t comprehend God’s Faithfulness. The last few weeks have had a great peace to it despite allot of turmoil taking place around me and as I came before God early this morning in prayer for those around me, my grew heavier and heavier as I saw the burdens of those around me were carrying.

So I’ve been very negligent to those around me and worse still I believe it was by choice, I have placed this before God and confessed my unfaithfulness to the amazing people God has placed in my life as sin and He has forgiven me and encouraged me to move forward, as He is faithful to do. As I move forward desiring to be a true brother to those around me, bearing there burdens and partaking in there hardships with them, that in all things our relationships may bear witness of Christ.

I ask you to please pray for me on this journey.

If you are in a place similar to the place I was in, just know that God is Faithful to forgive and enable you to move forward but there is no shortage of need for any person especially in looking to those around them. So ask God to open your eyes to those around you, it may weigh heavy on your heart but let it be motivation to pray more earnestly.

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