Thursday, 4 February 2010

Going 100% For God !!!

I’m very excited about this message; It’s one that has carried me by the Strength of God over the last few weeks. A revelation that came to me in Prayer, Which I Thank God for greatly, Excited to share this with you, So I hope this message benefits you.

A few weeks back, I was in prayer about my relationship with God and living my life through all He has done for me. I was saddened because I realised I was doing so much by my own strength and not Relying on God, Despite all the opportunities He has created for me. So while in prayer I was asking God how I could be more for Him, How I could devote myself more to Him. Then a revelation came onto me, which is what I want to write about.

What Is Going 100% For God ?

In all our circumstances, situations and moments, There is an opportunity. You could call it a choice, Though there are many paths. I’ve come to understand that if you were standing at the centre point of a circle and had to follow one of the 360 degree’s to be set free, Following Jesus Christ would be the same as following one of those 360 degree’s, It would be the only point at which you can actually be set free from the circle. The other options would be a lot more open, and you could jump from one degree to another degree. But in choosing and Accepting Jesus Christ into your life, You walk down one Degree ( Path ). The Only Path that secures your Salvation.

The Opportunity of Choice is a beautiful thing, We may have many choices to make, or as little as 2, the point I’m trying to illustrate is. We must follow Jesus Christ’s Example and be Led by His Grace in those decisions.

So you may not see how this is directly relevant to our message, Let me further explain. We constantly try to go by our own strength, It’s a constantly struggle trying to reach a point of reliance upon God and being in a point of being truly set free. It is such a strong desire of mine, To have all my answers to choices I face to be one’s led by God and I hope it is one of yours to. How beautiful it is to think, that All the choices and dilemmas you face are opportunities for you to rely on God for an answer.

So we want to grow to a point of relying on God in all circumstances, So we must be aware of our position before God. “through him all things are possible”. Through God, Acting Through What He has done and shared with us, All Things Are Possible to us as followers of Christ.

God Shared His immeasurable Love, immeasurable Justice and immeasurable Mercy. It is by these Three we are enabled to Walk Forward By Jesus Christ. If we remove God, we remove our strength.

I am a man, As a man, You can see my weakness, If you can see my weakness you can see my Strength, For in seeing my weakness, you also see my need to rely on God.

My weakness is my Greatest Strength. It is only when we are Weak that we are Truly Strong, Paul talks beautifully about this 2 Corinthians 11-12

We are striving to reach a point of 100% reliance on God, We want to give 100% to God in the sense of a race, you would want to give it “your best”. In relation to God things are slightly different, Were as we have the prize already. We are just awaiting the Victory Ceremony. So what position does that put us in. A true winner inspires others to win. He does not seek victory just for himself but for others as well.

So while we may have “won” Salvation, We must ALWAYS Acknowledge, It is by What God Has Done For Us, Not what we have done for Him. We As Winners, Must inspires Others to Win.

This affects Every aspect of our lives. People observe you everyday, So how can we make ourselves Good Representatives of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ tells us to love our enemies.

( Warning this is going to be a long message )

By reading The Holy Bible, We learn about Jesus Christ, By being in relationship with Him, We begin to realise things about the world around us, We more so begin to have more and more understanding of the Nature of God ( though we will never understand ), We begin to experience His Love, Mercy and Justice.

About a month and a half ago, After a very awakening prayer night. The next morning I went for a walk, As I walked around my perspective had changed, It was as though everyone I walked past and saw was connected to me, Although they were stressed/troubled as many people of this world are, Many would have cursed God. I felt such a great sadness for them, For I knew many of them were not in a relationship with God. Upon reflection, I understand now that God was showing me, just a snippet of what He see’s and feels but so much more intensely. After this I realised, in human kind. There is no enemy to God. While in the spiritual world there may be, As humans we are SOO Blessed, God Love’s us so much. He has opened His Heart to us, It is spoken about so often. We will never understand how much God loves us. It saddens me to think how some people treat Him.

If you were to think of your Dad as a police office, Who passionately wanted to save people from making bad choices, Though the people around you constantly insulted him and distrusted him. The only thing your father wants to do is give them a hand and show love towards them. Save them from there sinful nature. Instead these people constantly fighting against him, Even so your father is constantly reaching His hand out to them. Constantly making opportunity for them, to be saved.

How many times purer is God in His intentions, than what you perceived just now, How much more does God love the sinner.

Jesus Came to earth to tend to the Sick, Not dwell in the homes of the righteous.

I have greatly been sidetracked in my message but it is all relevant. We must be so brutally honest with ourselves before God. We are seek Truth, That is Why we follow God because He is The Truth of the World and Heaven and All in existence. In Him No lie will ever dwell, His word has no Cracks. With Him there is no fault.

If we have a fear of preaching to people on the street/office/friends. We have to be Honest with ourselves, We must acknowledge that and Cast out that Fear in the Strength that was Guaranteed to us by Jesus Christ. If we are scared of tending to the Sick because we are afraid of becoming Ill ourselves, We must Cast that Fear out in the Strength we find in Jesus Christ.

I would like to again quote one of my favourite passages.

Romans 8 :28-31

28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[j] who[k] have been called according to his purpose. 29For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
31What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

This is such a powerful question. “If God is For us, Who can be against us ?”, If we dwell at little deep, which Paul does. What circumstance of this world, can separate us from God ?, He is saying, what in this world, can come before God ?.

We often think the problems we face are “new”, This is where the whole idea of changing the Bible to suit the Times thinking comes from. Does Truth change with Time ?

The answer is no, Truth does not change with time. We shouldn’t fool ourselves into thinking the Bible isn’t Relevant because the circumstances we face, aren’t circumstances they faced 2000 years ago. This is a false doctorine we must separate ourselves from. It is exactly the same. The same battle battle that were victory was assured to us, Goes on, awaiting for world to acknowledge that they are victorious.

Do Christians not still face persecution ? Are we still not tempted by the devices of the enemy ? Does the world no longer sin ? Have we find salvation through our own means ? Are people not unfaithful to the wives/husbands ? Do people still not abuse others ?

To say that the Bible is not relevant to today, Is to say that, We have found salvation through our own works. That the wisdom of God has “expired”

^ False Doctrine

( This is all relevant to the message ! )

We accept the Bible as Absolute Truth, because it is the Word of God. As we grow as Followers of Jesus Christ, We Grow in understanding also, Grow in Wisdom and Love which He shares with us.

We have to understand the devices that, prevent us from exacting God’s will. Fear is a big one, We often allow fear to take control of our lives.

This is how this all ties in with our message.

All these circumstances are opportunities for us to Seek God to guide us. We Are Conquers in Jesus Christ!!!, That such a powerful Statement to Have Confidence in. If there is one thing you can take from this message it is this.

“You are a Conqueror in the Name of Jesus Christ, By His Grace You are set apart and ABOVE all things of this World.”

Proclaim this in all your adversities. Give a 100% to God, Every moment you feel weak remind yourself You are a Conqueror in the MIGHTY Name of Jesus Christ and You are Going to Give 100% to God and Act Through His Grace!

If God is For You who can come Against You ?

What circumstance in your life is So bad that God would not love you ? Or so big that God can not lift you from it ? Who in your life has a bigger influence that God Himself ?

Did you earn salvation or was it given to you ?

Did you earn victory or was it given to you ?

There is so many questions of this nature we can ask, The answer of which is, It was given to you By the Grace of God.

So if we are Conquerors, Believe You Are A Conqueror.

I Say Confidently To You, Proclaim Jesus Christ in All Your Circumstances and See Victory.

You Are A Conqueror, Give 100% To God. Humble Yourself but Know You Have A Strength Given By Grace, That Is ABOVE All Else. A Love Rises You Above All Evil. A Love That Rises You Above All Hardships, A Love That Rises You Above All Human Conviction.

God Loves us, God is Just in our lives and God is Merciful upon us.

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Our Father is Great In All.

Thank You For Reading I Hope This Has Been Helpful to You.

I Pray That This message May Touch You.

May God Truly Bless You.